Sudden Hearing Loss: Act Fast to Save Your Hearing

Sudden Hearing Loss: Act Fast to Save Your Hearing

Hearing loss has a reputation for advancing slowly. This can make the symptoms easy to miss. (After all, you’re just turning up the volume on your TV once in a while, it’s nothing to worry about, right?) That’s normally the situation, yes, but not always. In some situations, hearing loss can occur abruptly without any […]

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These 5 Enjoyable Tips Can Help You Increase Cognitive Function

These 5 Enjoyable Tips Can Help You Increase Cognitive Function

It’s easy to notice how your body ages over time. You get wrinkles. Your hair turns gray (or falls out). Your knees start to hurt a little bit more. Your skin becomes a little droopy in places. Maybe your eyesight and your hearing both start to fade a little. These signs are tough to miss. […]

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You Might be Missing a Lot if You’re Having Trouble Hearing at Work

For just a second, imagine that you’re working as a salesperson. Today, you’re having a very important call with a potential client. Your company is being looked at for a job and several individuals from your business have come together on a conference call. As the call goes on, voices go up and down…and are […]

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Three Easy Steps to Limit Hearing Loss

Three Easy Steps to Limit Hearing Loss

Isn’t pizza interesting? As long as a few criteria are met, you can alter toppings, cheese, and sauce, and it’s still a pizza. Hearing loss is a lot like that. Symptoms and presentations are caused by many different problems, loud noises, genetics, age, or ear blockages, but as long as you have a hard time […]

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Hearing Loss Can Result in Complications During Hospitalization

Tom is thrilled, he’s getting a new knee! Look, as you age, the kinds of things you get excited about change. His knee replacement means he will suffer from less pain and be able to get around a lot better. So Tom is admitted, the operation is a success, and Tom heads home! But that’s […]

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Your Hearing is Faltering if You Observe Any of These 8 Subtle Signs

Your hearing won’t be just gone one day when you wake up. For most people, hearing loss progresses in degrees, particularly when it is linked to the aging process. You may not recognize it’s happening immediately but some indicators do show up earlier. The initial symptoms of progressive hearing loss are discrete. Identifying them sooner […]

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Keep Your Hearing Crisp With These Three Easy Tips

Keep Your Hearing Crisp With These Three Easy Tips

Isn’t pizza cool? As long as it meets a few standard criteria (crust, sauce, cheese, etc.) whatever the toppings, it’s still pizza. Hearing loss is also like this. Symptoms and manifestations are a consequence of many different issues – loud noises, genetic factors, age, ear blockages – but as long as you have trouble hearing […]

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Diplacusis: When your hearing is in stereo

Diplacusis: When your hearing is in stereo

Millions of years ago, the world was much different. This steamy, volcano-laden landscape is where the long-necked Diplacusis roamed. Thanks to its really long neck and tail, Diplacusis was so big that it was afraid of no predator. Actually, Diplodocus is the long-necked dinosaur from the Jurassic Period. When you’re hearing two sounds at the […]

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Basic Ways to Protect Your Hearing This Summer

Basic Ways to Protect Your Hearing This Summer

Finally, it’s summertime!! That means it’s time to get out and enjoy all the fun activities that the season has to provide. But before you go to the beach, the concert, or the backyard cookout, remember to take care of your hearing. When you’re out appreciating summer, remember that your hearing can be damaged by […]

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Ear Wax Accumulation: What You Need to Know

Ear Wax Accumulation: What You Need to Know

Don’t forget to wash your ears. Whenever you say that, you unavoidably use your “parent voice”. Maybe you even remember getting that advice as a kid. That’s the type of memory that can remind you of simpler times as you wrap yourself in the nostalgia of youth. But that advice can be pretty helpful. Uncontrolled […]

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